Why you could benefit from wearing a mouth-guard

– Decreases the chances of damage to teeth and gums from grinding and clenching

– Reduces risk of teeth being knocked out or damaged in contact sports

– May benefit you if you suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnoea

Custom-fit night guard Croydon

Mouth-guards were originally just used for protection when participating in contact sports, but have since proved beneficial for other reasons. Please read to find out more….

Grinding and clenching your teeth at night

Grinding and clenching your teeth while sleeping can be caused by stress and we are not always aware that we are doing it, especially at night! This is known as sleep bruxism which over time can result in several unwanted dental issues such as chipped teeth, cracked teeth and jaw disorders. This can also lead to headaches, migraines and severe facial pain.

Custom made mouth-guards are designed to keep your upper and lower teeth apart, to prevent tooth wear and reduce the tension in your jaw muscles. Below are some tell-tale signs of teeth grinding and clenching;

Sore face and jaw ache in the morning

The muscles in your face, neck and jaw can take on additional stress overnight, essentially taking this extra work on can result in a sore face and neck in the morning. This can occasionally lead to a swollen aching jaw as well as stiffness and pain when eating.

Waking up with a headache

If you wake up with a painful headache this could be a sign of grinding or clenching. They can be a result of the pressure that builds up in the jaw as your teeth rub together. These headaches usually start in the temples and if left untreated can intensify into migraines. You may also experience toothaches, earaches, and even shoulder pain.

Chipped teeth without knowing cause

If you notice any chipped teeth, this may be happening over time at night. Grinding and clenching puts a lot of pressure on your teeth, which eventually results in tooth damage. Even the healthiest of teeth can only take so much. It is important to be aware of any of chipped teeth, cracked teeth or sudden sensitivity.

Woken up by an aching jaw

Night grinding and clenching can interrupt your sleep. A sore face and jaw ache can be enough to wake you up in the night. Sleep disruption caused by night grinding and clenching, over time can also affect your general health and wellbeing. For overall health a good night sleep is essential.

A mouth-guard may also help with mild to moderate Sleep Apnoea.

While a mouth-guard cannot control sleep apnoea, this will usually improve your sleep. It is important to wear a custom made mouth-guard from your dentist who will initially discuss your unique situation and assess whether a mouth-guard could be of benefit to you.

Can participating in contact sports risk significant damage to your teeth?

You would be wise to use a mouth-guard if you play contact sports such as football, rugby, lacrosse, hockey, martial arts and boxing etc. Such sports which are competitive and on impact, collision is very likely to occur.

Extreme dental damage can be prevented by wearing a mouth-guard which will significantly reduce your risk of broken teeth and damaged gums. The mouth-guard can help absorb a blow to the jaw, preventing fractured jaw, concussion, neck injuries, and cerebral hemorrhage.

Without a mouth-guard, your teeth and dental restorations are more likely to break, chip, fracture, or get knocked out.

Custom-fit sports guard Croydon

A Custom Fit Mouth-guard will protect your teeth

Online cheaper versions of mouth-guards rarely fit correctly, therefore, will not be as effective or comfortable to wear. The best option is a custom fit mouth-guard from your dentist.

A custom fit mouth-guard is made specifically for you, to guarantee a perfect fit. This means it will protect your teeth effectively and your oral health for years to come.

How do we make your mouth-guard?

Here at Mayfield Dental we use an in-house dental scanner. It is a small handheld device which is used to capture images of the inside of your mouth. A 3D scan allows us to view dental anatomy from different angles which instantly produce a 3D simulation of your teeth and gums. We then send the images to our trusted laboratories where they will make your mouth-guard and have it back to us in no time!

If you would like to know more about how you may benefit from a mouth-guard please give us a call at

Mayfield Dental on 020 8657 1291 or 07891 578648.

